New Delhi (India) March 18: In the heart of bustling Hyderabad resides a young luminary whose journey epitomizes resilience and passion. Meet Nandhini, a 24-year-old...
Gauraiya Live: A Musical Journey Inspired by Harsh Realities Image Caption- Music launch of Gauraiya Live Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India] March 18: In recent years, incidents...
New Delhi (India), March 18: On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the ‘Bharat Dialogues: Women and Mental Health Summit and Awards 2024’ was organized...
New Delhi (India), March 18: A groundbreaking method for mechanical tensile testing of metal components and auto parts has been developed by researchers at Presto....
The week-long campaign helps transition from chicken to meat-free while not compromising with taste or health. New Delhi (India), March 18: More than 120,000 Indians...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India] March 18: Renowned film producer Boney Kapoor has embarked on a triumphant collaboration with Mumbai-based White Turtle Studios to craft a breath-taking trailer for...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], March 18: JM Financial Private Equity (the “Fund”) has finalized an investment of INR 450 mn in Energy Beverages Pvt. Ltd. (“Clear”...
New Delhi (India) March 18: In the bustling city of Bangalore, amidst the vibrant streets and bustling energy, resides a young luminary whose journey embodies...