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Redefining Fatherhood, One Hug, Lesson, And Laugh At A Time

The role of a father has hugely evolved with newer generations. Traditionally, a father’s responsibility was limited to being the bread winner of the family, the providers, the protectors.

Today, with nuclear families, both parents pursuing active careers, gender equality at home and in board rooms, the modern day father not only by compulsion, but by choice, plays a much wider role in the life of his child. 

Right from diaper change to relationship advice, a father child bond goes a long way in defining our adult relationships.

Here are a few ways how:

Our childhood years, especially the first 7 years, are most crucial in shaping us an individuals in our adult lives. The relationship between our parents, sets the base for our understanding of what a healthy relationship should be. The environment at home, is there love between parents, or are they always bickering, have deep impacts on our subconscious. Therefore maintaining a civil, loving relationship with the mother goes a long way in defining our adult relationships.

Is the father providing safety and security? Is he abusive with the children, does he drink, smoke, smoke up, is he violent with the mother? We live by the example our parents set. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and eventually we become one or the other of our parents.

A supportive, loving husband, a hands on father, who helps even with domestic chores, finds time to spend with their children, playing, doing activities, constantly encouraging, teaching, making his family a priority, will set standards for their children, which will help them choose partners wisely.

A father for a son, and how he encourages him to develop all round, education, sports, treating women kindly, career support and guidance, teaching them to not suppress their feelings & emotions just because one is a boy, helping him to stand on his feet, friendly with his friends, holding him accountable & teaching responsibility, will help build a physically, emotionally, strong man. And therefore a desirable man. 

For little girls, their father is everything. A father who is kind, loving, present, emotionally robust, provides financially yet encourages his girl to be independent, who treats her mother with respect and kindness, will set the bar high for adult women to choose wisely. Anything short, is automatically rejected by such secure women.

Therefore a modern day father wears many hats, leads by example & sets the bar for his child’s social choices.

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