Mumbai: In a massive action against the big Bollywood personalities, the Income Tax department on Wednesday carried out searches at the premises of noted film Director Anurag Kashyap, actor Taapsee Pannu and filmmaker Vikas Bahl.
An I-T department source related to the probe told IANS, “Searches are on at the premises of Pannu, Kashyap and Bahl in Mumbai and other locations.”
The source, however, refused to share further details of the case.
The source further said that multiple teams of the agency sleuths were carrying out searches at over 22 locations in Mumbai and several other places, including the premises of the Phantom Films.Related Poll
However, officials of the I-T department remained tightlipped on the searches at the premises of Phantom Films.
According to another I-T department official, the searches are going on at the premises of these Bollywood personalities in connection with some “tax evasion” matter.
Kashyap, Bahl and Pannu have been vocal on the social media platforms and have also raised their concern over the farmers’ protest, which have been going at the borders of the national capital since November 26 last year against the three farm laws.